Reading Lists

Looking for a good book for a young aspiring farmer?

Non-fiction books including biographies, commentaries, and science.  Suitable for most youth grade 9 or above.

All things Wise and Wonderful, All Creatures Great and Small, All things Bright and Beautiful, The Lord God Made them All, Dog Stories by James Heriot
Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
Thinking like a Mountain: Toward a sensible land ethic by J. Ahlers
Seeds of wealth: Four plants that made man rich by Henry Hobhouse
Seeds of change: Six plants that transformed Mankind by Henry Hobhouse
Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan
Omnivore’s Dilemma for Kids by Michael Pollan
Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds by Claire Hope Cummings
Hungry Planet by Peter Menzel
The Elements of Organic Gardening by HRH Prince Charles
Eat Here by Brian Halweil
The Forgotten Pollinators by Gary Paul Nabhan, S. Buchmann
Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway
The Complete Guide to Edible Landscaping by Rosalind Creasy
New Organic Grower by Eliot Coleman
Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in your food by Andrew Kimbrell
Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money: Investing as if Food, Farms, and Fertility Mattered by Woody Tasch
The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe by Loree Griffin Burns

Fiction books for younger students (grades 3-7) with agricultural settings, farm life, and fun animal stories.

Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Montgomery
Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall
O Pioneers! by Willa Cather
Charlotte’s Web, by EB White 
Little house on the Prairie (series) by Laura Ingalls Wilder 
Moses the Kitten by James Herriot
Blue Willow  by Doris Gates

Picture books on agricultural topics for very young students (preschool to grade 3).

E. Boyd Smith, The Farm Book; Chicken World (both picture books)Mary Stolz, Emmett’s Pig (early chapter book)
Kate Douglas Wiggin, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (novel)
Garth Williams, Baby Farm Animals (picture book)

Seeds by Ken Robbins
From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
Milk: From Cow to Carton by Aliki
Farming by Gail Gibbons
A Fruit is a Suitcase for Seeds by Jean Richards
Compost Stew by Mary McKenna Siddals
Richard Scarey Farmyard by Richard Scarey
A Fabulous Fair Alphabet by Debra Fraiser 

The Little Farmer by Lois LenskiFarm (picture book) by Elisha Cooper,
Arthur Geisert, Country Road ABC (picture book
Bonnie Geisert, Haystack; Prairie Summer (illustrated by A. Geisert;both picture books)
Jerdine Nolan, Harvey Potter’s Balloon Farm (picture book)
Alice and Martin Provensen, The Year a Maple Hill Farm (picture book)
Ken Robbins, Food for Thought; Pumpkins (both picture books)

Chis Peterson, Century Farm: One Hundred Years on a Family Farm (nonfiction)

Links to more recommended reading lists:

National Agriculture Day, Recommended Agriculture Reading List,
Farm to School, Resources & Publications,
Ag in the Classroom, Agriculture Books for Children,
the Greenhorns, Recommended Reading,


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