SAE in New York State
2009 SAE Survey
In early summer 2009, the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project asked New York state agricultural education teachers to fill out a brief, informal survey to gauge the current status of supervised agricultural experiences (SAE) among enrolled agricultural education students. The survey was distributed at the 2009 meeting of the New York Association of Agricultural Educators (NYAAE) at Camp Oswegatchie Educational Center in Croghan, NY.
Survey postcards were passed out by Cornell University Department of Education Associate Professor Travis Park. Teachers were asked to identify how many students were enrolled in agricultural education for the 2008-2009 school year, how many students had SAE, how many students had SAE on a farm, how many students applied for proficiency awards in the last year, and how many empire degrees were awarded to their students in the last year. Results were compiled into informal spreadsheets - numbers were not verified, some teachers indicated they did not know or estimated, and some teachers did not respond or were not in attendance at the meeting.
The survey was reviewed by the Cornell University Institutional Review Board to ensure the rights and privacy of the individuals who took the survey were respected.