More Resources for Regulations & Taxes

Tax Implications

The Rural Tax Education website has information on income tax and self-employment tax for farmers, implications of new tax laws, and even a sample tax return.

The NYS Office of Real Property Services (ORPS) has information on agricultural value assessment and exemptions for farm buildings.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Publication 225 entitled "Farmer's Tax Guide" is a good resource on income tax issues related to farming. (PDF)

The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has a publication that helps beginning businesses navigate through the state tax regulations to learn what needs to be done. (PDF).

Legal Guides for NY Farmers

The Guide to Farming in NY contains many more fact sheets than those previously mentioned in the FAQ's, including Environmental Regulations, Collecting Sales Tax, Farm Vehicle Regulations, and more.

The Resource Guide to Direct Marketing Meat and Poultry is a priceless resource for any producer trying to understand the requirements processing, packaging, and selling meat.

Legal Guides for Farmers in Other Northeast States

Several Northeast states have a compilation of fact sheets that help break down the complex regulations into easier-to-understand information bites.

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