Farm Start-up Plan Worksheet I realize that I must be a registered user on this site in order to retrieve worksheets I submit. If you have trouble filling in any of the fields in this worksheet, go back to the New Farmer Hub and walk through the relevant tutorial, like Getting Started, Choosing What to Produce, Selling Your Products, and Achieving or Improving Profitability. Vision: Describe, in two sentences or less, the overarching vision and mission of your farm. What drives you? (If you need help on this worksheet, go back to the Getting Started section and fill in the worksheets in the tutorial there). Products: What products or services does your farm business offer? Management: What skills and qualifications do you (and the other farmers involved) bring to the business? Who will be responsible for which aspects of the business? Marketing: Who is your target market and how will you reach them? Finances: How are you financing start-up? What revenue do you expect the farm to generate in the next year? the next 5 years? How much profit will the farm eventually generate (5+ years)? cforms contact form by delicious:days Download article as PDF