Course Registration Step 2 – Payment
You have successfully completed Step 1 of 2. Now to complete your registration:
If you are paying by credit card:
Your registration is not complete until you have entered credit card information. You will need to enter the amount to charge: $200 for 1 course, $400 for 2 courses, and so on. CLICK HERE to pay by credit card.
If you are paying by check:
Please send the full amount you owe and make check payable to Cornell University. Include a note with your name, email address, and which course(s) you’re taking, in order to facilitate matching your payment to the registration form you submitted. We will send you a confirmation email once we receive your check. Mail to:
Erica Frenay
15B Plant Science Bldg.
Ithaca, NY 14853
In this section:
- About
- Contact
- Course Registration Step 2 – Payment
- Course Registration Step One
- Events
- Feedback Form
- Home
- Inventory Your Resources
- Measuring Change – Evaluation Strategies
- New Farmer Hub
- Northeast Beginning Farmer’s Field Journal
Online Courses
Course Descriptions
- Small-scale Organic Grain Production (BF 140)
- Starting at Square One (BF 101)
- Markets & Profits (BF 102)
- Taking Care of Business (BF 103)
- Financial Records (BF 104)
- Machinery & Equipment (BF 105)
- Organic Certification (BF 106)
- Vegetable Farming, part 1 (BF 120)
- Veggie Farming, part 2 (BF 121)
- Berry Production (BF 122)
- Poultry Production (BF 130)
- Effective Marketing for the Busy Farmer (BF 201)
- Planning to Stay in Business (BF 202)
- Holistic Financial Planning (BF 203)
- Course Logistics and FAQs
- Register for Courses
- Annual Course Calendar
- Instructor Bios
Course Descriptions
- Publications
- Thank you for registering!
- Trainers Toolbox
- Videos
- Who Can Help
- Young Farmer Hub
New Farmer Hub
Essential Resources for Your Farm
Need Small Farms Info?
Visit our sister site, the Cornell Small Farms Program