Share Your Favorite Documents, Videos, Curricula, Presentations, and More!
All of us have benefited from other people's work - we have all been mentored, and we all have the capacity of being mentors to others in our work with beginning farmers. We would like to facilitate an open, collaborative environment for sharing current materials that you've found valuable in your work with beginning farmers, so that everyone within our network can avoid re-creating the wheel.
This could be lesson plans, skills/competency assessments, or more big-picture material related to policy or advocacy of beginning farmer needs. It could be something you developed or something you've borrowed. Either way, if you choose to share it with the whole Beginning Farmer Learning Network, we will make sure it is presented with proper credits.
We will post your shared resources on this site and make them available at our face-to-face meeting on Sept. 30, 2011 in Albany, NY.
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